How to get a Campus Therapy Dog at your College
Each step within these guidelines will be assisted by Join Our PACK.
Any financial assistance can also be obtained through Join Our PACK.
Meet with the college counseling/wellbeing center to discuss the benefits
Improve student mental health
Achieve a stronger sense of belonging amongst the campus community
Students, especially freshman, better deal with being homesick and lonely
Reduces anxiety and stress
Obtain college approval
Work with college administration to ensure all are onboard
Determine who the point person will be for Join Our PACK
Determine if there is an existing family dog within the campus community who would be interested in becoming the campus therapy dog
College counselor who lives on campus
College counselor who commutes to campus
Faculty Member
College Employee
Advantages to using an existing dog
No initial costs
You don’t need to leave your dog at home alone
Already aware of the dog’s temperament around people
Unlimited joy for the dog with all the added love and attention
Look into adopting a dog from a local animal shelters
Work with those at the animal shelter to identify a dog with a good demeanor
Identify someone within the college community (counselor/faculty/employee) who would be the dog’s owner
Advantages to adopting a dog
No initial costs
Improving the life of a pup in need
Equally helping a local animal shelter while also helping student mental health
Look into buying a puppy
Investigate local breeders
Identify someone within the college community (counselor/faculty/employee) who would be the dog’s owner
Advantages to buying a puppy
Rally the college community with a fundraising effort to work together to obtain the new campus therapy dog
Have a naming competition bringing the college community together
Establishes an immediate bond to the campus therapy dog
Review the general step-by-step guide on How to Certify a Therapy Dog
Investigate local therapy dog certification organizations near the college
Determine their specific requirements for certification
Come up with a plan for timing and expenses
Examples of Therapy Dog Certification Organizations
Determine who will be the campus therapy dog manager
(not necessarily the dog’s owner)
Manage the dog’s schedule (counseling center time / walks / naps)
Establish a shared responsibility schedule with student handlers - Most popular job on campus!
Manage the dog’s health (vet / groomers)
Determine maintenance plan for ongoing costs
Vet / Groomers
Food / Supplies